Satellite Internet

Best Rural Internet Providers in Canada (Satellite, Wireless, and 5G)

Marvellous expanses of countryside are among the best things about Canada. But poor internet access in a world where everyone is expected to do at least some things online can be a drawback.  For many, the solution is in the air, with Starlink offering one of the best rural internet provider options for a reliable…

Survey: The Provinces With the Lowest and Highest Internet Costs

A survey of over 1,000 Canadians conducted by NetSpeed Canada uncovers just how Canadians living in different provinces experience their ISPs.  “Our goal was to compare internet cost, speed, and satisfaction rates across different Canadian provinces and determine the Canadian average,” says NetSpeed Canada founder Tomas Novosad.  He notes that a strong knowledge of the…

How Much Does it Cost to Pay for Internet on Different Airlines? 

Are you planning a summer vacation, but are worrying about the cost of staying online whilst flying? Whether you want to binge-watch your favorite shows, stay in touch with family, or catch up on work there are plenty of options out there for people who need to stay online.  From one hour to the full…

Fibre Internet

What Is Fibre Internet?

You’re sure to have heard that fibre internet connections are the fastest and most reliable internet connections out there today.  It’s the culmination of a progression that started with the now-obsolete dial-up internet before advancing to DSL internet and cable internet.  But how does fibre internet work and should you try to get it?  In…